Friday 18 May 2012


I’ve recently put the robot on hold as I’m planning on creating a Sci-Fi corridor for him to roll through and I thought it would be a nice touch to add some holographic computer consoles on the walls and around the windows of the corridor. After doing some research I have managed to create a interface in Photoshop and then with the use of Self-Illumination and Opacity maps I've then created the exact look I was aiming for in 3DS Max I am pretty sure that this method would work in a game engine as there is no trickery done within 3DS Max everything has been achieved in the proper way.

Here are some images to show the final result

This is the finished image in Photoshop

This is the Opacity map also created in Photoshop

 These are the test renders with the holograms projected onto a pane of glass

Here I created a computer screen behind the hologram I like the end result but I think the computer console needs to be a different colour to the hologram as I think the colours are clashing. 

More progress to be posted soon ONLY 2 WEEKS till my deadline :O!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Modelling Challenge - Progress

As mentioned in my previous post I intended to increase the LOD (Level of detail) to my robot by sculpting in Zbrush. This is something I did not have that much experience with but as a growing 3D Artist Zbrush was one of the major programs I needed to get to grips with. 

I watched a few tutorials on hard surface modelling in Zbrush on YouTube which were very enlightening. I also looked into creating custom brushes so I could create a circuit board look to the robot. I created a alpha brush which is shown below with the Zadd and Zsubtract added to basic Sphere primitive to show the effect.

I then took my Robot into Zbrush masked out a few shapes that I wanted to indent into the model and then with the use of Morph targets I used the Circuit board alpha to produce this final effect.

There are still a few things I need to touch up but I’m very happy with the result and plan to start texturing the final version very soon. 

Thanks for reading more progress will be added soon.